Vol 19 No 2 (2024)Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan (JKP) Volume 19 Nomor 2 Tahun 2024 terdiri dari 11 artikel dengan ruang lingkup kebijakan pembangunan. Jurnal pada edisi ini berisikan artikel yang membahas mengenai kebijakan pada bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, dan pengembangan wilayah. Bidang-bidang tersebut masing-masing terdiri dari 2 artikel. Selebihnya, artikel jurnal membahas tentang energi, ekonomi pembangunan, arsitektur, kesehatan, dan perhubungan, masing-masing terdiri dari 1 artikel.
Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 19 Number 2 of 2024 consists of 11 articles with the scope of development policy. This edition of the journal contains articles discussing policies in the fields of education, health and regional development. These fields each consist of 2 articles. The remainder of the journal articles discuss energy, development economics, architecture, health and transportation, each consisting of 1 article.
Vol 19 No 1 (2024)Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan (JKP) Volume 19 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024 terdiri dari 12 artikel dengan ruang lingkup yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan pembangunan. Pada bidang ekonomi, artikel membahas mengenai pergeseran struktur ekonomi dan penentuan sektor unggulan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, dan tentang usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. Pada bidang sosial pemerintahan, artikel membahas tentang kebijakan perlindungan sosial, percepatan akta kelahiran anak, dan kebijakan mengenai penerapan mekanisme salur langsung dana bantuan operasional kesehatan Puskesmas. Pada bidang kesehatan, artikel membahas tentang upaya penanggulangan stunting. Bidang-bidang lainnya yaitu kehutanan, demografi, pendidikan, dan infrastruktur membahas tentang komunikasi pembangunan, sosiodemografi, cyberbullying pada generasi Z, dan peran pemerintah dalam pengembangan infrastruktur pertanian.
Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 19 Number 1 of 2024 consists of 12 articles with scope related to development policy. In the economic sector, the article discusses the economic structure shifting and the determination of the leading sectors of South Kalimantan Province and about micro, small, and medium enterprises. In the social-governmental field, the article discusses social protection policies, the acceleration of child birth certificates, and the implementation policy of direct distribution mechanisms for health operational assistance funds for Puskesmas. In the health sector, the article discusses efforts to overcome stunting. In the health sector, the article discusses stunting prevention. Other fields, such as forestry, demography, education, and infrastructure, discuss development communication, sociodemography, cyberbullying in Generation Z, and the role of government in agricultural infrastructure development.
Vol 18 No 2 (2023)Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 18 Number 2 of 2023 consists of 8 articles with a scope related to development policy, namely in the fields of tourism, education, social, health, agriculture, and the environment. In the field of tourism, the articles discuss the city branding strategy of tourism cities, the potential for biodiversity tourism based on the perceptions of high school students, and tourism opportunities and challenges in Banjar Regency. In the field of education, the article discusses the relationship of information with the interest of high school students to continue their education to college. In agriculture, the article discusses the development of local varieties of rice in South Kalimantan Province. In the social sector, the article discusses the remittances of migrant workers during the Covid-19 period. In the health sector, the article discusses stunting handling strategies at the village level, and in the environmental sector, the article discusses the conservation of sub-watershed.
Vol 18 No 1 (2023)Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 18 Number 1 of 2023 consists of 10 articles with a scope related to development policy. In the social field, the article discusses the relationship of social media to the religion of the young Muslim generation, the role of coastal women in village development, and child labor. In the legal field, articles regarding the legal review of acting regional heads come from elements of the TNI/Polri and management of customary forests. In the government sector, articles related to policies for handling the Covid-19 pandemic at the village level. Other articles related to evaluating the Primary Service Transformation Pilot Project Program at the Puskesmas, the history of the nation's capital, and statistical model approaches related to the economy and unbalanced data.
Vol 17 No 2 (2022)Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 17 No.2 of 2022 consists of 10 articles in scope to support various government policies. There were articles about the government's efforts to overcome the impact of Covid-19 on migrant workers; the recovery of the tourism sector, and the achievements of the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia. Apart from Covid-19, another article related to the health sector is about efforts to protect the elderly in South Kalimantan. Articles in the economic field are the causality of government spending, economic growth, and poverty in South Kalimantan; efforts to overcome the effects of climate change, and support sustainable economic development. Another article in the field of government is about the policy of simplifying the bureaucracy, optimizing Bulog's performance, and sustainable village development.
Vol 17 No 1 (2022)Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 17 No. 1 of 2022 consists of 11 articles to support various government policies. In the health sector, we have articles about the implementation of standalone isolation regulation and recognition of ASN work stress during the Covid 19 pandemic. In economic sector was about managing village fund allocations, indicative ceilings, economic development of Indonesian migrant workers, the economic recovery of migrant workers, and distribution of aid funds for social services for SMEs. In the human development sector, we have NEET and youth development; in the defense sector we have an article about the empowerment of the Indonesian National Navy for national defense, and in the science and technology development sector there was about the implementation of the existing innovation system in Indonesia.
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan
Vol 16 No 2 (2021)Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan (JKP) Volume 16 No. 2 of 2021 contain ten papers to support various government policies. The papers on the economy domain were analysis the economic sector during a pandemic, local product empowerment, marketing strategies for superior commodities, and the impact of the spread of modern retail on the existence of local warungs. The paper on the education sector is about the adaptation of digital immigrant teachers to e-learning programs. In the tourism sector, we have strategies to increase visitors in the pandemic. Articles evaluating the implementation of PPP projects represent the scope of infrastructure development policy. In the health sector, it discusses the prevention of malnutrition. And in the territorial sovereignty sector, we have the development of coastal areas and leading islands in Indonesia.
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan
Vol 15 No 2 (2020)Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan (JKP) is a scientific publication media that contains articles of research results and/or scientific thought within the scope of government policy. JKP was ranked SINTA 4 (in 2019) and is currently in the process of applying for re-accreditation. JKP is published twice a year (June and December). This edition consists of 8 articles. In this edition, there are 8 articles from various domains of expertise, including government policies, health policies, tourism, and socio-culture.
Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan
Vol 15 No 1 (2020)Jurnal Kebijakan Pembangunan (JKP) is a scientific publication media that contains articles of research results and/or scientific thought within the scope of government policy. JKP was ranked SINTA 4 (in 2019) and continues to improve its quality to become a nationally accredited journal. JKP is published twice a year (June and December), each edition consists of 10 articles. In this edition, there are 10 writings from various fields of policy, including environment, education, public services, health, tourism, and government.
Vol 14 No 1 (2019)Volume 14 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019 merupakan artikel jurnal yang konsen pada kebijakan pembangunan