Journal of Development Policy (JKP) Volume 18 Number 2 of 2023 consists of 8 articles with a scope related to development policy, namely in the fields of tourism, education, social, health, agriculture, and the environment. In the field of tourism, the articles discuss the city branding strategy of tourism cities, the potential for biodiversity tourism based on the perceptions of high school students, and tourism opportunities and challenges in Banjar Regency. In the field of education, the article discusses the relationship of information with the interest of high school students to continue their education to college. In agriculture, the article discusses the development of local varieties of rice in South Kalimantan Province. In the social sector, the article discusses the remittances of migrant workers during the Covid-19 period. In the health sector, the article discusses stunting handling strategies at the village level, and in the environmental sector, the article discusses the conservation of sub-watershed.